Thursday, December 02, 2004

U + Me = Us

I thought I knew my calculus entering college. But seriously I don't know why it's so hard. It just totally boggles my mind, how can something I have some background on, be so freaking hard? I have no idea, but dang this class is seriously ruining my gpa, my year, and my chances of transferring to anywhere. I guess Bing's starting to grow on me, but still, just I guess the chance to start over out in Cali. That would be real nice. Just to totally be myself, and start anew with school, friendships, life in general. Man I'm totally stressing out now 'cause of calculus. I need peace. Peace in my heart. And what amazes me is how God continually speaks to me. So I get this quote of the day e-mail, and today's just happens to be:

"Christ alone can bring lasting peace - peace with God - peace among men and nations - and peace within our hearts."
-Billy Graham

Constantly I find myself stressing out and always bickering about how much school sucks and stuff, yet I always seem to forget about how blessed I am and how God should be the focal point of my life. This peace that I look for, can be found in Christ. I gotta keep reminding myself that.

The sun's coming up. I've been trying to learn integration and do some research for a poster project for Evolution the whole night. Honestly I didn't perform efficiently in any aspect. I did nothing right. I still don't understand calculus, nor am I close to completing my project. But I can honestly say, I'm feeling less burdened by college. This world has so little to offer me in comparison to what God brings to the table, I just gotta realize that thought now.

Pray for me.


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